Chantilly, VA -- InfinityQS announced a promotion for a quality software starter kit to help new customers lower manufacturing costs and improve overall product quality for more than 50% off the standard price. The starter kit includes five licenses of Proficient Enterprise Edition, the industry leading Statistical Process Control (SPC) software system, as well as two registrations for InfinityQS’ SPC Fundamentals training course.

With this promotion, InfinityQS is offering new customers the starter kit for $4,995-- a discount of over $5,500 off the standard market price of $10,500. The promotion is designed to kick start manufacturers’ real-time quality improvement initiatives, allowing them to immediately reduce scrap and decrease production costs. The promotion expires on June 30, 2010.

“This promotion is designed to help companies start seeing some quantifiable results from their quality programs,” said Michael A. Lyle, president and CEO at InfinityQS. “In our experience, companies that run the software and properly train employees on its features will start seeing dramatically lower production costs very quickly, often in the range of millions of dollars a year.”