It has been said that creativity requires the courage to let go of certainties. One thing I do know is that creativity is not reserved for those who engage in artistic pursuits. Being creative means acknowledging that there are many possibilities aside from the obvious.

It has been said that creativity requires the courage to let go of certainties. I am sure I heard this before or maybe it has just been on my mind of late. One thing I do know is that creativity is not reserved for those who engage in artistic pursuits. In our lives, in every situation, there are many opportunities to demonstrate our creative sides. Being creative means acknowledging that there are many possibilities aside from the obvious. Being creative means having courage-the courage to consider doing things in a way that is different than the way it has always been done. It is not always popular. New ideas are not always well accepted by the masses.

Creativity gives us the ability to solve multiple problems with a course of action. Creativity transforms weakness into strength, and builds value where there was none before. Where does creativity come from? If you can clean out a corner of your mind, creativity will find a way to fill it! Imagine the possibility of a connection between things that don't appear to be connected, and creativity will start to take root. Look at life from a new perspective, and it will further nourish your creativity.

The wonderful thing about creativity is that it generally refuses to accept limits. As such, with sufficient capacity, we can use our creativity to move beyond any obstacle. There is always room for improvement, for achievement and for fulfillment. Notice that I didn't saysuccessbecause creativity is not necessarily related to success. Success can be fleeting; we have it and then we don't, but creativity is a wondrous gift that can be ours always. Be creative, and continue to add richness to your life.

Jackie Gleason, the comedian and actor said, "our dreams are first hand creations; rather than residues of waking life. We have the capacity for infinite creativity; at least while dreaming, we partake of the power of the Spirit, the infinite Godhand that created the cosmos." We can do anything that we can envision. What do you envision? Are you ready to clean out a corner of your mind?