If you're not persistently following your dream, that dream is simply not big enough. You will need to work to expand on that dream until it is big enough and exciting enough to keep your focus continually aligned and unwavering.

Have you noticed that more often than not, the things you want badly enough actually come to pass? Why does this happen? It isn’t by magic.

It is the result of acquiring a persistent focus, a clear vision. When we focus persistently enough, whatever we choose to focus upon achieving typically happens. So how do you achieve such a persistent focus?

When you feel your focus beginning to weaken, remember why you chose it in the first place. Remember not only with your mind, but also with your body, your heart and your spirit.

The skill of achievement is primarily a matter of creating a persistent focus to remind yourself, again and again, why you must achieve the object in your vision. It's not really that difficult to do, yet you must be the one who determines what works best for you.

One thing is certainly true, if you are to keep reminding yourself of why, the reason why must be authentic. It must be clear, positive, meaningful, compelling and significant.

If you're not persistently following your dream, that dream is simply not big enough. It isn’t at the core of your big-picture dream. You will need to work to expand on that dream until it is big enough and exciting enough to keep your focus continually aligned and unwavering.

The skill of achievement is to make your vision meaningful and compelling. If you can persistently focus, you can make it happen.