Are you satisfied with the reality of your current life? If not, have you considered that you have the power to change it? If your current reality isn't working for you, change it. If there are limitations that hold you back, transcend them.

Reality is what you make of it. Life is defined by the way you choose to live it. So if it doesn’t fit your expectations, make some adjustments.

First of all, gently accept the way things are. But accepting the way things are doesn’t mean they can’t change. Accepting just means understanding what is your current reality. Secondly, put the energy of your focus-or your vision--into exactly how you would like things to be.

Everything in your world happens for a reason. Think about it. You usually get what you expect and no more. To change your reality, get yourself some good, meaningful, compelling reasons or expectations, and use them to drive events forward.

You don't have to settle for anything less than the absolute best for yourself and those who surround you. You can, and should, act in every moment with the positive, purposeful energy of your life.

Give your sincere best in every moment, in every situation. Slowly, but surely, your current reality will become your new reality. How quickly that happens depends on many factors, much of which is under your control and influence. Begin today to make your reality of tomorrow achievable. You can determine the greatness that lies within.