Quality magazine presents The Quality Show

Deb Andree

Deb Andree
Vice President, Mission Assurance Global Mission Excellence
Northrop Grumman Aerospace Systems

In this role, Deb is responsible for leading the sector’s Mission Assurance functions, including Product Quality, Program Quality, Supplier Quality and compliance to the Quality Management System. Her duties also include developing the strategy for implementing business transformation through affordability and continual process improvement. Deb is also responsible for Program Quality Management for all programs within the sector. Additionally, she ensures that processes within the Aerospace Systems (AS) sector are documented and compliant to AS9100 international quality standards.


Wednesday, October 23, 9:15am - 10:00am

Building A Culture Of Quality
Northrop Grumman’s “Culture of Quality” gets employees to put quality first by communicating the importance of quality in all functions, across all programs and at every organizational level. The outcome is that employees fully understand the importance of quality and their role, which ensures a sustained positive impact.
