PLYMOUTH, MN-ASI DataMyte reports more business in Denmark, with orders from Corning Cablecon and Eaton Electric.

Corning Cablecon is a European supplier of RF and coaxial connectors and accessories for CATV. The company is using ASI DataMyte’s statistical process control (SPC) solution as a means to improve overall quality.

“Corning also found our solution easier to use than the others they considered,” says Paul Oxfeldt, ASI DataMyte’s sales manager for Scandinavia. “When SPC systems are easier to use, people work more efficiently and reduce operational costs.”

Eaton Electric makes up the electrical arm of Eaton Corp., producing a range of products in plants throughout the world. ASI DataMyte’s coordinate measuring machine (CMM) integration and integrated quality planning solutions will be applied to optimize quality processes.

“The integrated quality planning solution allows you to exploit the synergies of quality integration along several planes,” says Oxfeldt. “The software at the core of the solution integrates APQP requirements, process flow chart, process failure modes and effects analysis (PFMEA), control plans, production parts approval process (PPAP), GMP and BMP-ensuring a logical and consistent approach to manufacturing engineering activities.”

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