By accepting what you can't do, you can free up much time and energy that can be devoted to what you can do. By accepting the things you can't change, you give yourself power and effectiveness over the areas where you can make a difference.

Henry Ford said, "Whether you think you can or think you can't, you're right.” A positive mental attitude gives off a powerful message. If focused in the proper frame and in the right direction, there is nothing you can't accomplish. The thoughts below might be of some value as you think about Mr. Ford's words of wisdom:

There are some things that you can control and there are some things that you can't control. There are some things that you can change and there are other things that you have to learn to live with.

By accepting what you can't do, you can free up much time and energy that can be devoted to what you can do. You need to be at peace with the things you can't change. By accepting the things you can't change, you give yourself power and effectiveness over the areas where you can make a difference.

You could waste your time and energy complaining that the ocean is too deep, wide and dangerous; maybe that is so, but think about many of our forefathers. In spite of the dangers, they came across oceans to North America, with their dreams of finding greater opportunities for them and their families. They endured hardships to succeed by thinking about their futures in a positive way. This positive attitude generated energy to provide focused efforts.

It's powerful to be aware of what you can do. But it's just as powerful to acknowledge and accept what you can't do.

Having this knowledge gives you the ability to put all your energy and resources into efforts that will truly make a positive difference. Accept what you can't do, and discover what you can do to find your great success.

A.L. (Art) Williams said, "All you can do is all you can do," but all you can do should be enough. The secret is finding out what you can do and focus your efforts by channeling your energy.