Manufacturers can unearth valuable insights from test data from various sources by employing statistical algorithms and machine learning to establish patterns and predict future outcomes and trends.

This process is called predictive quality analytics. A type of artificial intelligence, manufacturers use it to analyze incoming data, which helps them recognize and solve problems in advance. They can use this insight to pinpoint the root cause of issues and prevent them from happening.

Ultimately, predictive analytics helps manufacturers boost efficiency and quality through shrewd data analysis.

The goal of predictive maintenance is forecasting when equipment failure could occur (based on a variety of factors). Then, manufacturers can avert the failure through frequently scheduled and corrective maintenance.

A predictive maintenance system involves the Internet of Things (usually via devices installed on machinery) to gather data from any surface. It uses cloud-based storage to process the data; and pushes notifications to staff through mobile applications. Lastly, it utilizes machine learning to examine and forecast insights by feeding data to artificial intelligence mechanisms, which predicts outcomes.

Manufacturers already collect data—either manually or digitally (some are ahead of the curve and have already automated this process). Operators, quality professionals, and supply chain managers also routinely check product quality, machine safety, personnel compliance, and inventory — all practices that can prepare facilities for audits, ensure quality control, safety, timely orders and deliver other benefits.

While these checks are necessary, they can often be optimized. For example, applying proactive, predictive strategies to these processes can help manufacturers to control processes and prevent manufacturing quality problems before they occur — boosting ROI.