While Quality's mission remains unchanged, we are pleased this month to announce some recent changes at the magazine. A new parent company is providing solid resources and support for Quality's future growth, and a new leadership team is in place.
Quality is now part of Business News Publishing Company (BNP), a growing trade publishing enterprise with more than 40 publications serving a broad spectrum of industries. Quality also has a new publisher and a new editor-in-chief on board, who share the goal of building upon Quality's long tradition of excellence in delivering an ever-improving information product to you.
We recognize that in today's fast-changing, global marketplace, your practical information needs are changing and growing daily. We intend to do what's necessary to meet those needs, to keep you well-informed and to help you stay ahead of the pack.
You'll be seeing some changes in the coming months in the way we cover quality issues in manufacturing, both in our print and our online presence. Some of the changes will be subtle, others less so. All will be designed to enhance our effectiveness in delivering the vital information, news and insights you need.
Tell Us
As we move to shape our coverage to meet your professional needs, we hope that you will share in our positive momentum. Participate in the new Quality Online Reader Forum, for example, which is planned to launch this month. And please, let us know how we're doing. Tell us what you like and give us your ideas on what we can do better. Send a letter to the editor, drop us an e-mail or call us on the phone.
In all that we do, be assured that maintaining your loyal readership will be driving our efforts to effectively report, document and support advances in manufacturing-related quality technology and techniques that impact your shop floor and manufacturing planning.