As the senior member of theQualitystaff, I asked if I could have some space in this 50th anniversary issue to offer a few “thank yous” on behalf ofQuality.
The very first thank you is directed to our advertisers both new and old. We all know that without advertising support there would be no Quality Magazine. Thank you! The test, measurement and inspection equipment, and software your companies have developed has improved virtually everything we own and made our lives safer.
A very special thank you goes to those advertisers whose ads appeared in our first issue and continue to support us today. Throughout this issue you’ll see a special designation on their ads recognizing them as original advertisers. These companies have stood the test of time as they serve the manufacturing community with innovative products and great technology.
There wouldn't be aQualityMagazine without our loyal subscribers, either. Thank you! We have worked hard to satisfy your information needs and be the cheerleader for your team. Improving the quality of manufactured goods while increasing productivity and decreasing costs is the goal of every quality professional. We salute you and strive to promote your goals.
This anniversary also is a time to reflect and offer thanks to a few of the many responsible for the "birthin'" and the "rearin'" of this great magazine. I personally worked with each of these great men and their legacies live on in what we do every day here atQuality:
Bill Schleicher
Dan Reardon
Loren “Chick” Walsh
Dick Templeton
Dutch Feldon
Frank Taylor
If you have a memory about any of these folks or about your history with us, I hope you’ll drop me a note at[email protected] or share your thoughts with other members of theQuality community at theQualityMagazine LinkedIn Group page, theQualityFacebook page and on Twitter athttp://twitter.com/QualityMagazine.
And a final thanks to everyone at BNP Media who works day in and day out to provide you with the best information in ways not thought of in 1962. Personally, I’ve loved every minute that I’ve spent “bringing up”Quality.