WASHINGTON — The National Association of Manufacturers’ Manufacturing Institute announced that Manufacturing Day (MFG) 2018 will occur on Oct. 5 with expected record-breaking turnout.

This year, MFG Day will focus on one of the biggest problems manufacturers face—a shortage of skilled workers. MFG Day goes a long way to inspire the next generation to pursue rewarding manufacturing careers. With more than 3,000 events held in 2017, MFG Day celebrates modern manufacturing as manufacturers across the country open their doors to students, parents and teachers with the goal of strengthening the public perception of modern manufacturing.

“Manufacturing offers many promising career options for the next generation—often without the financial burdens of college debt—and these well-paying jobs are in an industry that is modern, optimistic and growing,” said Carolyn Lee, executive director of The Manufacturing Institute. “Yet, too often, the very talented younger Americans who could make the most of these careers either don’t know they exist or have the wrong idea about what a career in modern manufacturing might look like. That’s why we organize MFG Day events across the country— to inspire the next generation of manufacturers so that they can gain access to the fulfilling careers they deserve, and to help manufacturers fill the more than 391,000 open jobs in manufacturing today.”

Following the enactment of the tax reform bill, the NAM’s 2018 first quarter Manufacturers’ Outlook Survey revealed that 93.5% of manufacturers have a positive economic outlook—the second-highest optimism level in the survey’s 20-year history. At the same time, for the second consecutive survey, manufacturers cited the inability to attract and retain a quality workforce as their top business challenge.

For more information, visit mfgday.com.