Experts seem to agree that at the moment of birth humans possess an inherent curiosity. If all of us are born with a natural and active curiosity, how come so many of us grow up resisting learning? An interesting conundrum.

If experts are correct and all of us come into the world as active, eager learners, why do so many people look at learning as an unpleasant and difficult experience? The answer might be that we learn to turn it off. If we are surrounded with people, through their works and actions, to expect disappointment and failure, we eventually believe them and behave accordingly.

If there wasn't anything in our educational environment to counteract these mistaken beliefs, they became embedded even deeper into our core thinking. We therefore learn to protect ourselves from the pain of disappointment by pretending not to care or by distracting ourselves with easily obtained comforts.

However, using the proper tools and techniques we can unlearn those negative ideas and put positive ones in their place. We can test the usefulness of our beliefs, and, if we choose to, we can change them. We need to transform ourselves into lifelong learners.

We need to be open to the world of possibilities which surround us. We need to be open to expanding our own body of knowledge and understanding. With today's easy availability to all types of resources like on-line courses, many which are free or very inexpensive, so much more is within our reach.

An interesting point…many studies have shown that active learners live longer, stay healthier, and, most importantly, have a richer quality of life. If the experts are correct, what’s the downside of becoming an active learner?

The power to decide to become an eager learner resides within yourself. The best thing is that you can decide today, start slowly, build your learning journey with the intensity of which you are comfortable and soon you are on the way of becoming a life-long learner with a richer life.

Think about it…