The most important step toward success is having faith that you will succeed.

Have you ever thought about the power of a positive thought and its potential impact on the outcome you seek? Think about this.....

We will accomplish whatever we sincerely believe we will accomplish. And we can believe whatever we choose to believe. It is certainly our choice.

When we truly believe, to our very core, we can...then we can, and we will! Our actions are guided by the things we believe about ourselves. Our beliefs influence us even when we’re not thinking about them. Interesting thought…but it’s true, and that gives our beliefs a constant and enormous power to affect our reality. Henry Ford said, “Whether you think you can or think you can’t-you’re right.”

The things that we believe to be out of our reach will certainly be out of our reach as long as our paradigms (boundaries of thought) stay the same. However, we can change our beliefs to include whatever possibilities we dare to imagine.

In order to make this work, we must visualize ourselves reaching our goals, and in turn our beliefs begins to grow. Take firm, constant and consistent steps in the direction of our goals, and our beliefs becomes more firmly entrenched with each action.

We have to allow ourselves, with every part of our being, to fully believe in whatever we seek to do, and it will surely be. Of course there will be mitigating factors, for success is not 100%. However, as A.L Williams said, “AYCDIAYCDBAYCDIE,” which translates to: All you can do is all you can do, but all you can do is enough.

Don’t worry about what you can’t control or influence. It is amazing what you can control and influence, so begin to have those positive thoughts and success will come your way.