Dickson Calibration Specialists now offer no-charge consultations on custom point calibrations best-matched to application requirements. Source: Dickson Calibration Specialists
ADDISON, IL-Engineers using data loggers or chart recorders for environmental monitoring critical to project success can now contact Dickson Calibration Specialists for no-charge consultations on custom point calibrations best-matched to application requirements. Custom point calibrations, also known as user specified temperature points are specific points selected for calibration to ensure that a data logger or chart recorder is operating correctly in the operating range where it is typically used.
“Many data logger and chart recorder users do not realize that there are several options for calibration methods and that it is important to ensure that the calibration method selected provides the validated and certified calibration standard that is required,” says Dan Gawle, manufacturing manager for Dickson. “Dickson’s calibration specialists are available to help users weigh options and find the best solution in terms of cost and accuracy.”
For a summary sheet on how to choose between 1-point, 3-point and custom point calibrations with or without “before” data, visithttp://www.dicksondata.com/info/calibration_points.php .
For more information, visitwww.dicksondata.com, e-mail[email protected]or call (800) 757-3747