Computed tomography (CT) scanners are a popular choice for inspecting both the external and internal geometry of parts — finding inclusions, voids and flaws that could cause failure or underperformance.
Inspection is a critical element of any product development. In addition to dimensional inspection, evaluating products increasingly involves the inspection of free-form surfaces that are not relevant to the function.
Two dimensional X-ray inspection is a nondestructive technology which has been used for some decades in the electronics manufacturing sector and much longer in oil and gas and general engineering.
Until now, the power of seeing through walls has been reserved for superheroes with X-ray vision. This meant that manufacturers of plastic and composite components often had to cut or break apart a prototype or product to measure and analyze internal features and identify discrepancies.
CT scanners are a solution to the problem of inspecting internal and external surfaces of a part without having to cut them open or otherwise destroy them.