Manufacturing is not slowing down. Lead times are tightening, complexity is increasing, and quality control departments need to be able to keep pace with it.
Metrology is the science of inspection. It includes various measurement tools such as calipers, gauges, micrometers, and vision systems, which are often used for quality control in nondestructive testing (NDT).
This situation pops up quite regularly when a relatively simple feature such as the diameter of a hole in a machined part doesn’t appear to be right when the part is at the assembly stage of manufacture. Like similar disputes, the finger pointing begins and compromises are made but the problem doesn’t go away.
MobileCollect is compatible with any gage and any software. This allows you to choose the best gage devices and software application for your situation.
The moral to the story is that the best way to overcome obstacles and/or achieve success is to seek out those who have overcome the same barriers and succeeded. In other words, the key is asking the right questions of the right people.
Texas shop’s automation team deploys Equator™ programmable gages for measuring and sorting mud-motor bearings.
November 7, 2013
Conroe Machine is doing what most machine shops only dream of—hard turning a family of parts around the clock in an unmanned cell that operates a “self controlled” process.
In the production environment, where tight tolerances are a way of life, it’s critical to think about gaging requirements before putting instruments out there and possibly having them not meet expectations.