Quality sat down with Dan Zrymiak, an ASQ Fellow and recipient of ASQ’s Feigenbaum and Crosby Medal, to share his expertise on culture, leadership and values. Listen to the full podcast.
Now that my hair has turned gray, I periodically think back and consider “what if …” What if I had chosen a different major in college? What if I had not taken a specific job opportunity?
Navin Dedhia has been a pillar of the quality community since the 1960s, speaking and working on five different continents about the importance of quality.
The warmth of spring brings flower and green lawns, and it also brings awards and recognition to the quality profession. Recognition abounds; both Quality Magazine and ASQ have dedicated significant time and resources promoting, validating and now honoring individuals who have made a significant impact to the quality community.
The problem would go away only to return every few months. The manufacturing mystery continued for about seven months, with each failure costing $26 in raw material alone.
Grace Duffy’s career has included excavating the desert canyons of Utah, earning a top secret security clearance to work in the White House, writing ten books and more than 250 articles, and speaking at conferences around the world.
Praveen Gupta, an ASQ Fellow and member of Quality’s Executive Council, recently joined Prysm Inc. as director of corporate quality. Prysm (www.prysm.com) invented Laser Phosphor Display (LPD) technology that enables scalable and versatile videowalls.