PRINCETON JUNCTION, NJ-The Mistras Holdings Corp. has announced its name change to Mistras Group Inc. Accompanying this change is the formal unveiling of a new corporate identity that was developed by its employees, reflecting Mistras’ growth and multinational, multifaceted nature of its business.
Mistras has been expanding through strong organic growth and strategic niche acquisitions in the markets it serves. New products such as the Pocket NDT line, coupled with engineering services, complement the needs of NDT inspection markets. With this combination, Mistras offers one source for many NDT professional services and products.
“Mistras has continued to expand its worldwide presence and has 38 locations in 14 countries. The new Mistras Group Inc. corporate identity will increase the value of our brand as we grow,” says Dr. Sotirios Vahaviolos, chairman and CEO. “This transformation will allow Mistras to be better recognized, establish a stronger connection with our clients, and strengthen our overall position in the marketplace.”
The new corporate logo combines the Mistras name with a new connected globe icon with the tagline: A World of NDT Solutions.
Mistras Group Inc. provides complete NDT inspection solutions. Mistras NDT Services are offered under the brand names of Conam Inspection & Engineering, Quality Services Laboratories (QSL-Plus), Code Services, Caliber Inspection and PRI. Mistras NDT product lines include technologies from Physical Acoustics, NDT Automation and Vibra-Metrics.