“The best part of learning is sharing what you learn.” — Vaughn K. Lauer

After learning something truly exciting, there is something extraordinarily satisfying in sharing it with someone else. Children do this all the time. They take the new information directly to an adult—usually a parent or caregiver—and the words pour out of their mouths, torrents of energy and pride. This changes slightly after we grow up. We might be just as excited about learning something new but celebrating and sharing might not be a priority. Without sharing, however, we’re not allowing others to benefit from lessons learned.

This article is about celebrating the valuable contributions these workers make for their companies, their communities, and the world.

This article is about you.

World Quality Month is for you.

Happy World Quality Month!

In 2010, ASQ introduced the World Quality Month website and has been pleased to host the platform, offering individuals and organizations around the world an opportunity to celebrate successes and share results. World Quality Month is also about understanding the impact quality has on the world, during business hours, in the community, and at home.

The main goal of World Quality Month is “to raise awareness of the quality, continuous improvement, and performance excellence field and quality professionals worldwide.” As quality professionals you know the difference quality tools and methodology makes in improving processes, decreasing defects and increasing revenue. It’s important to get that word out beyond the quality profession.

One way to raise the awareness of quality is to celebrate successes. Yes, World Quality Month could be one big party. But that’s just one slice of the celebratory cake.

In raising the awareness of quality and celebrating successes, organizations are offering proof of the importance of quality methods and tools, the wide-ranging applications of the tools, and the impact quality has on the business and people. ASQ hopes you celebrate World Quality Month with your colleagues and share with your organization and the quality community the great work you have accomplished. To do so, ASQ has created several tools you can begin using now (see sidebar for details).

ASQ website

World Quality Month is also about sharing stories. The stories might address the small steps made to improve a team process or could identify large savings through a year-long initiative.  Sharing any of these stories promotes excellence through quality. Along with ideas for celebrating successes, ASQ provides thoughts for sharing stories. The ASQ website has many case studies and articles where your quality community colleagues detail improvement programs, Lean initiatives and Six Sigma projects.

Child-like wonder is a special thing. And, it’s something you can relive at any time, when you’re willing join in the sharing and celebrations.

Happy World Quality Month, Quality Magazine readers!

Celebrate Your Successes, Learn From Others

ASQ has created several downloadable activities and materials to help celebrate! Be sure to share your celebrations with ASQ on social media.

Celebration Guide—look through a list of weekly virtual and in-person suggestions and choose the best fit(s) for your organization

Digital Banners—choose from different sizes, designed to accommodate multiple templates, for e-newsletters, webpages, email headers, and other digital channels

Desktop and Mobile Wallpapers—download a WQM wallpaper to showcase the month-long celebration on your desktop, cell phone, and Zoom calls!

Trivia—check ASQ’s Twitter account @ASQ for quality trivia throughout November

Quality Memes—chuckle at these lighthearted depictions of everyday life in the quality industry

Take our Quality Tool Quiz and find out what classic quality tool you are—and share your results!

Posters—download printable posters and posting online, encouraging others to celebrate

Visit https://asq.org/wqm for downloads and more information.