The ability to achieve and succeed is part of our very nature. If we are vague about what we intend to do, the results we are likely to get will be of minimal value.
The ability to achieve and succeed is part of our very nature. It's an ability we can tap into by the way we choose to live our lives. If we are vague about what we intend to do, the results we are likely to get will be of minimal value. Conversely, if we are clear and specific about our goals and action plans, we are usually able to work our way to achieve the success we seek.
It is true that if goals are impossible to meet they tend to be a de-motivation factor for individuals or organizations alike. The converse is also true. If we set our sights too low, our goals will fail to ignite the passion required to succeed and without a challenge we quickly lose interest.
A Michelangelo quote puts this into perspective: "The greatest danger for most of us is not that our aim is too high and we miss it, but that it is too low and we reach it." We must set our aim (goals) high enough to help create the passion and sense of urgency that will help pull us powerfully forward.
When we expect to get something for nothing, we can expect to be disappointed, every time. However, when we give the very best we have, we will end up reaching the best we allow ourselves to imagine. When our thoughts and actions are not focused, but scattered and haphazard, we'll find our efforts getting us absolutely nowhere. We must discipline ourselves to focus all of our energy in a consistent and focused direction. Once we do that, there is no limit to how far we can go.
Do we wish to choose achievement and success? If so, then we must choose to be clear, passionate, respectful, productive and focused. Success will surely be the result of that positive energy.
Jim's Gems: Do You Choose Success?
By Jim L. Smith
September 23, 2009

Jim L. Smith has more than 45 years of industry experience in operations, engineering, research and development and quality management. You can reach Jim at [email protected]