Don't miss Jim'sWeekly Quoteavailable only to mobile taggers through August 2010!
We will make a difference in the world today. But, what kind of difference will that be? What we choose to be is certainly up to us.
Our life will travel in some direction today as the result of our thoughts and actions. What direction will that be?
This day presents us with a magnificent opportunity that we've never had before. We can take all that we are, all that we've learned, all that we've experienced up to this point, and use it to move our whole world forward.
Every good and valuable thing we do for life makes our world a better place. Every time we lift up others, our own experience of life is made more satisfying.
This day and all its possibilities will soon pass. Yet the value that we create from it will stay with us and will add its own unique flavor to all of life.
We will make a real and lasting contribution to life today. Choose to make it such that we'll always be thankful for having passed this way.

Jim's Gems Exclusive Weekly Quote Now Through August!
Jim Smith will be adding a Weekly Jim’s Gems Quote available exclusively to his mobile tagging readers from now until August! Each week, when you read Jim’s Blog, use your smart phone to snap a picture of the barcode at right and view Jim’s quote for the week.Get tagging! If you have a smart phone but don’t yet have the application to read mobile tags, visit and get started today!