Last week’s blog ( ) focused on the difference between average and great and we thought it might be worthwhile to revisit that topic.

In 1937 Napoleon Hill published his first book Think and Grow Rich which was enormously successful.  In it Hill introduced the concept and value of positive thinking and its impact on being successful. Other motivational gurus like W. Clement Stone, Dr. Robert Schuller, and Dr. Norman Vincent Peale continued to espouse the benefits of maintaining a positive mental attitude.

Over the years, countless numbers of people have used the principles of positive mental attitude (PMA) to develop an optimistic view to increase probability of accomplishment.  PMA opposes negativity, defeatism, and hopelessness and becomes a catalyst for finding and executing winning strategies. 

How is possibility thinking different than positive thinking and how are they linked?  Sometimes it takes more than a positive attitude to reach the level of success you deserve. 

Years ago I attended a conference in which Dr. Peale was a keynote speaker.  I was impressed with the incredible energy of his message.  Although still convinced that a PMA is a key ingredient to success, in time, I began to think of opportunities that were obscured as hidden possibilities in any given circumstance.

While it remains critical to think positively, it is equally important to reach beyond positive thinking.  Every situation presents possibilities with an array of challenges and opportunities.  We just need to focus on the alternatives that are available from various actions and to remain flexible to the outcomes.

Possibility thinking begins with you!  You must have the confidence that you do make a difference and are capable of doing greater things.  Possibility thinking involves the mental skill of discovering options and considering the possibilities that exist from constructive actions.

When you believe your life is significant and purposeful and you are capable of outstanding personal growth, you begin to see possibilities.  Learn to transform from negativity thinking to possibility thinking by reframing problems and barriers in ways that lead to discovering all the opportunities that make up every situation you encounter.

Possibility thinking and positive mental attitude are powerful allies in our journey to success.

Understanding situational possibilities leads to specific opportunities in which our PMA ability will be an invaluable asset.  When we engage in possibility thinking, we generate rich and exciting ideas for change, growth, and success but it does begin with us!

I hope that anyone reading this blog right now is having a great day; however, if not, the good news is that with each passing minute you have the opportunity to change all that with possibility thinking.