CINCINNATI-The Modal Shop Inc. announces a complete solution for 100% inspection of metal component part quality that simplifies decision making and lowers the risk of trying NDT-RAM. The program consists of an initial, free-parts test to determine feasibility of the NDT-RAM system for a specific part, a financial justification study to help justify the investment in NDT-RAM and complete system rentals so NDT-RAM can be tried in the production environment prior to purchase.

The free parts test is a comprehensive study with 6-24 parts, at least five good-the balance with flaws to determine the applicability of the NDT-RAM technique to the part and flaw expected. A confidential, formal test report is provided.

A financial justification study is also offered that helps put standard finance metrics like return on investment (ROI), internal rate of return (IRR) and payback period into the investment decision when evaluating adding NDT-RAM as a 100% inspection method. A confidential, formal report is supplied that can be used by the economic decision maker to determine financial feasibility.

NDT-RAM system rentals are also available to lower investment risk by providing a try before you buy alternative. To further lower risk, 100% of the equipment rental fee goes toward purchase. The system rental allows the NDT-RAM system to be used in the production environment on actual production parts prior to purchase to determine true feasibility before fully investing in a system. In addition, one day of training at the customer's facility, plus consistent follow-up ensures comfort with the system.