MILWAUKEE-Rockwell Automation introduced its OEM Accelerator program that provides engineering services and tools to help life sciences machine builders and process equipment providers reduce their development costs and time to market. As a result, OEMs can provide their customers with predefined interfaces that can reduce risk, lower cost and speed integration time.

The OEM Accelerator program simplifies the incorporation of ISA-88 design methodologies, predefines
equipment capabilities and parameters for manufacturing execution systems (MES), and helps equipment seamlessly integrate with overall equipment effectiveness (OEE) software. Applying the tools and concepts in these modules allows plug-and-play functionality that delivers time- and cost-saving benefits for OEMs, and improved information integration for the end user for greater asset utilization.

The OEM Accelerator program includes three modules-ISA-88, MES and OEE-designed for various aspects of an end user’s plantwide integration needs. When used in combination with other plantfloor applications, companies can gain better insight into all areas of their manufacturing operations and leverage that information to make more informed business decisions.