1. Keep the styli as short a possible – By lowering the deflection rate, you increase your accuracy rate.
2. Limit or eliminate the extensions. With the introduction of carbon fiber stem material, much longer, lighter stems can be used with no extensions. Carbide Probes, Inc. contracted a world leader in the production of carbon fiber to develop a revolutionary carbon fiber stem with the lowest deflection rate in the industry. The results have been phenomenal in the metrology world.

4. Ball material should be determined based upon the surface you are inspecting. Dealing with a company who specializes in the manufacturing of styli ensures you the support of styli professionals who can assist you in selecting the right material for your application.

In addition to straight styli, there may be applications where star styli, disk styli, cylindrical styli, or even custom designed styli fit your manufacturing demands and specifications. Your supplier should be able to assist you in selecting the most effective styli for your application. Carbide Probes in Dayton, Ohio, offers such support to its customers and distributors. Visitors to the manufacturing facility are always welcome. Manufactured at our factory in Dayton, OH, stock styli are ready for same-day shipping. Replacement styli for Renishaw, Mitutoyo, Zeiss, and Faro are always in stock ready to be shipped. Specially designed styli based on customer specifications are manufactured as expediently as possible. Simply submit your prints and specifications and Carbide Probes will assist you in the design of your custom styli. Visit them on the web at www.carbideprobes.com or call 1-800-347-4980.