PARIS The CIM is to be the meeting-point for technical exchanges between all the actors of measurement: industrial users of equipments, technical experts, public and private laboratories, manufacturers and service providers.

This congress is unique in Europe.

It explores developments in measurement techniques, R&D advances and their implication for industry. It demonstrates how measurement improves, day-to-day, industrial processes and risk management.

The major topics of the congress are presented within six industrial round-tables:
Best pratice in healthcare: contribution of metrology
Energy transition: metrology meets challenges
The world of soft metrology
Outsourcing metrology: dream or reality?
Agrifood: metrological advantage
Risk management and control: new approach for ISO 9001
Presentations are introduced on a variety of topics.

The main technical fields are dealt with: mechanics, temperature, dimensional and 3D, flow, electricity, among others. Other general topics include uncertainty of measurement, statistics and cost optimization.

New concerns are also introduced: security in healthcare and agri-food, challenges related to climate change and nanotechnologies.

To complete this programme, technical visits are planned at the Observatoire de Paris, SOPEMEA and LNE.

For more information, visit