Fluke Corp. introduces the Fluke® TiS75 Infrared Camera with professional-grade 320 x 240 pixel resolution and precise manual focusing that enable maintenance professionals to pinpoint issues with equipment and electrical systems.
Focus is one of the most important factors in conducting infrared inspections because an out-of-focus image can produce a temperature measurement that is incorrect by 20 degrees or more. The TiS75 has a long-travel focus wheel that enables very fine manual focus adjustments so technicians capture in-focus images with precise measurements. It features a large 3.5-inch screen to help pinpoint issues while still in the field and also offers one touch image access, which eliminates the need to scroll through a menu to view images.
The TiS75 is part of Fluke’s full line of 320 x 240 infrared cameras, including the Ti400 and TiX500, TiX520, and TiX560.
As part of Fluke Connect, the rugged TiS75 can transmit measurements to a smartphone or tablet for later, detailed analysis. Those measurements can be uploaded to the cloud. Technicians can combine uploaded images and measurement data from multiple Fluke Connect test tools to create and share reports from the job site via email and collaborate in real time with other colleagues with ShareLive™ video calls or email, increasing productivity in the field.
The Fluke Connect Assets subscription service offers ShareLive™ video calls that enable teams to easily share and access infrared inspections on the go and look at trends per piece of equipment over time. The Fluke Connect app can be downloaded from the Apple App Store and Google Play.
Fluke Corporation
(800) 44-FLUKE