Conformable/flexible digital detector array (DDA) panels are revolutionizing industrial radiography by enabling comprehensive imaging of complex shapes across sectors like aerospace, oil and gas, automotive, construction, and electronics. This technology improves nondestructive testing and image quality, supported by key ASTM standards.
If the supply of qualified personnel is inadequate to meet the needs of industry there will be greater efforts to automate and utilize artificial intelligence to perform and evaluate NDT.
Manual methods of performing nondestructive testing (NDT) and human evaluation of the results are rapidly being replaced by automated, digitized, and artificial intelligence interpretation of the results wherever economically feasible.
The titanium-tungsten puzzle isn’t just a testament to the value of radiographic NDT, but also a reminder of the NDT’s ever-evolving relevance in shaping the future of manufacturing.
For an optimal digital workflow in radiographic testing (RT), the X-ray inspection software D-Tect X can be integrated with the NDT management software DRIVE NDT.
2D Radiography (x-ray), a Non-Destructive Testing (NDT) method, is applied in a multitude of manufacturing, repair industries, and in every type of inspection program. 2D X-ray is the most used NDT method outside of visual inspection.
Manual means of performing NDT and human evaluation of the results is trending more and more to automated, digitized and artificial intelligence interpretation of the results whenever economically possible.
Manual or human manipulated NDT is still the primary means of performing Nondestructive Testing (NDT) in unique or one-off applications. Mechanical aids and/or computer assisted manipulation and scanning devices can reduce data gathering time on the site of the item being inspected.
The global contribution of the automotive industry to the world economy is approximately $3.4 trillion (2021 – Mc Kinsey). Yet very little is communicated about the nondestructive testing (NDT) techniques used for industrial inspection to meet those often mutually opposed pressures of productivity and quality.
In the past, simple X-ray radiography was sufficient in providing an image needed for this inspection. However, because it views structures in 2D, simple radiography is limited in engineering applications as the objects become more complex. This is where computed tomography (CT) becomes valuable.
Air cooling is the most readily available means for keeping turbine blades from breaking or melting while the engine is running, and in order to get the most from the air streaming through the engine, turbine blades are cast with delicate cooling channels running through them. In the manufacturing process, though, these channels can become clogged. It's important that these defective blades be screened out as thoroughly as possible in quality assurance, and neutron radiography is the most effective nondestructive testing method for this purpose.